Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Research of DA Garden-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Provide a research proposal for DA Garden. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of the study is to provide a research proposal for DA Garden a supplier, who is currently facing issues due to shortage of sale of their products in the market. The recent financial analysis of the company suggests that the sales rate have declined significantly within the past few years. Hence it is important for the organisation to conduct a market research in order to analyse the current situation and also suggest better ways to improve upon the sales of their products. Market Research and its importance According to Sarstedt Mooi (2014), the main purpose of the market research for any business organisation is to gather information about the customers and also understand their needs depending upon various internal and external conditions. It can be said in the context that with detailed information it is possible for any business organisation to prepare better market strategy for the customer groups. In the context of BA Garden suppliers, it is important to mention that in spite of their location of business, the organisation is currently suffering from lack of growth in the sales figure. With the introduction of new form of business in cafeteria, the overall profit of the organisation has dropped significantly over the past few years. In spite of the fact that the gross revenue has been acceptable, it is important for the business owners to identify the exact reason for the current situation. With the help of accurate market research it is possible for the organisation to collect relevant information for the exact reason that has caused lower sales rate. The research can also suggest new possibilities and business strategies that can be adopted in order to improve upon the overall profit margin. It is also possible with the help of accurate market research to analyse the financial sales figure. The market research can also provide them information about the competitive environment and also the policies that have been implemented by mother Rival companies (Cechanowicz et al., 2013). It can be said in the context that few of the key aspects of market research can help to identify the exact cause and external threats that are encountered by the company. Research Objective It is important for the DA Garden Suppliers to decide upon the research objective that will help them to fulfil the need of overall marketing research. To analyse the current market of DA Garden Suppliers. To decide upon the future marketing policies that will help the company to improve upon their sales record. To analyse the financial sales record in order to better understand the exact margin of drop of profit. Current Condition of D.A Garden Suppliers The current market research statement of DA Garden suppliers need to include the recent achievements accomplished by the organisation in the past. This will help them to decide upon the future marketing policies that can be obtained with the help of business research. Over the past several years the business performance of DA Garden Suppliers has been satisfying to the customers. The location of the nursery has also helped to improve upon the business performance. The business owners have also been able to establish a good relationship with most of the customers. The well planning of staff recruitment has also help the company to maintain a steady organisational performance. In recent years the company has introduced a new form of business in the form of cafeteria, which offers the customers various types of food and beverages. However in spite of the expansion in the business, the sales figure of the company has dropped significantly in the past few years. In spite of the rise of sales in the cafeteria business, the other products of the company have witnessed fall in the sales margin that includes the nursery sales and garden suppliers. The Landscaping project of the company has also not able to maintain the profit margin. With the help of the f inancial statement and the profit earned, it is important for the company to decide upon their overall research planning and also various stages that will help them to collect information for marketing research. The project planning step is one of the primary elements of all type of marketing research. However, at the initial stage it is important to get proper approval from the authorised department in order to conduct deep marketing research (Nunan Di Domenico, 2013). It is important for the company to hire market specialist in order to conduct the research and also consult marketing experts, which will help them to gain idea about the project that needs to be accomplished in order to improve upon their current business scenario. These parameters are important in the context that the overall scope and information that are gathered from the marketing research depends upon the overall project planning and also the approval from the authorised group that are obtained. Hence, the overall scope of the research work depends upon the physical and human resources that has been used by DA Garden Suppliers in order to conduct the overall research. The overall market research will focus upon the external business environment and also collect information from the location of the business. The location will include collection of information from all nursery and garden suppliers located in the highway of DA Garden Suppliers. Quantitative research methodology needs to be applied within the time frame of 7 weeks, which will give the investigators proper time to collect the necessary information needed to analyse the current business scenario of DA Garden Suppliers (McQuarrie, 2015). The researcher will also focus upon primary form of Data Collection from the market in order to ensure that they are relevant in context of the business scenario of the nursery. Proper method of statistical data analysis needs to be deployed after the data collection process is over. At the final stage, it is important to prepare all the formal documents that can help the business owners of DA Garden Suppliers to prepare future marketing policies to improve upon their sales record. References Cechanowicz, J., Gutwin, C., Brownell, B., Goodfellow, L. (2013). Effects of gamification on participation and data quality in a real-world market research domain. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful Design, Research, and Applications (pp. 58-65). ACM. McQuarrie, E. F. (2015). The market research toolbox: a concise guide for beginners. Sage Publications. Nunan, D., Di Domenico, M. (2013). Market research the ethics of big data. International Journal of Market Research, 55(4), 505-520. Sarstedt, M., Mooi, E. (2014). A concise guide to market research. The Process, Data, and.

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